Monday, October 6, 2008


Sorry I haven't updated you guys in a while. I have tried, really! The internet has been down. happened...lice. I have never gotten it before and I never want to get it again! I didn't think it would be that bad, but when you're in charge of seven's bad. Just when I thought I was getting ahead on doing the kids' laundry, just when I started getting the swing of things...lice. Re-wash all the clothes, wash out all the dresser drawers, vacuum all the furniture, clean all the hair brushes, etc... I did have help, but it was still hard and frustrating.
What can I say now? Thank God it's over! It happened a couple weeks ago.

Other than that? I'm still telling the story (and trying to write it all down). I also sing to the kids and occasionally make up songs. It's really fun! (I think I get that from my Mom). One thing with kids- it's ok to be spontaneous every now and then(and it's SO fun too)!
I love you all and thank you SOOO much for all your wonderful comments. They really make me smile!
God bless you!


Anonymous said...

Lice, yikes! Oh well. I hope the internet will be more cooperative. I'm glad you're story for the children is still going well. I hope you're doing well. Thank God you're doing well. I can't wait for you to tell us more about your adventure.

Anonymous said...

:S I hate lice!!!! Annoying little buggers!
REALLY glad your internet is back up! It's great to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather! Its Amber! Im sorry we missed you at me and Alans wedding but I am sure you are having an amazing time! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Heather!
It's brittaney (the girl you met in India a couple years ago and came back w/your team).
I so enjoyed reading all your blogs... makes me miss everyone! I'm so glad you have been doing so well. I know that when you leave the kids will miss you SO much! It sounds like you have truly become "akka" to them. You are family.

Love you! Send my best wishes to everyone!!
