Sunday, August 31, 2008

Soccer & The Weather

As many of you know, I did not grow up playing sports. I just didn't really care for them and wasn't too good at them either...That is certainly changing. I should be a pro at soccer by the time this year is over. Hah! The kids love playing it and I'm actually enjoying it too! I see some progress being made on my foot- eye coordination.

The weather here? HUMID. It is SOO humid! It's hard to get used to. It is currently the rainy season. All of a sudden there will be a huge downpour of rain which floods the streets and shuts off the power. The thunder and lightning storms are pretty cool though.

Sorry, but I gotta go, talk with you later! Thank you SOO much for leaving so many comments!
I love hearing from you guys!
Love you!
Oh, and yes, the curry is pretty spicy, but I'm used to it now (thank God!). :)


Anonymous said...

So, Hez, when you come back, we'll have to have a potluck of rice and curry then have a rousing game of soccer. Wouldn't that be a riot. I'll be the one taking the pictures!

I'm really glad to hear that it's going well for you. My prayers are with you.

Unknown said...

Good to hear from you girly! The weather's been getting colder here. It was like 47° this morning!

Miss you.


KI said...

Sounds like you are on quite the adventure! So blessed that God has you living out His calling for you this season! Anna is not here yet, but you'll get an email when she is. May the joy of the Lord be your strength! -Krystal

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather!
My sister lives in Houston where it's extremely humid as well. She says you finally get used to it and just go ahead and let yourself sweat, without being self-conscious about it, because everyone else is sweating just as much as you are.

Yesterday was Donald's 22nd birthday, and he and his dad went on their traditional birthday hunt. I took the traditional picture of them, with them inside the jeep with the dog and in the same place in our driveway where I take it every year. Donald's gotten bigger over the years, and the jeep and dog have changed a couple of times, but the picture is otherwise just about the same. They had a great day hunting and also found a huge, huge patch of black-cap raspberries and huckleberries.

I did a little quilting on Sunday as a follow-up to something I worked on on my quilting weekend. I intended to do some more yesterday, but couldn't because school shopping took so long. Lots of people, out-of-stock on some stuff, etc. made it take way too long. But it's done at least, and the boys went to freshman orientation this morning.

We bought a hamster for Carolyn's classroom yesterday. It's cute, quite squirmy, and has one chewed-on ear. She's pretty young, which will make her a good classroom pet because the kids will be able to tame her down. Carolyn was a good sitter because she held it a lot yesterday and it already quieted down some.

Your dad went to Sparks Lake by Bend yesterday and took some really pretty videos of the mist rising from the lake. So peaceful and undisturbed. What a contrast to your huge city and all the hubbub! I'm wondering if you've gotten to get out at all and do any sightseeing or exploring yet. Or maybe that's asking too much (I don't know what your arrangement is).

I bet the kids all love you to pieces and that you're a wonderful big sister to them. I'm sure you'll be a big influence on them. And who knows what you'll end up learning from them - maybe you'll return a wonderful soccer player!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

The power goes out when it rains? How often does that happen? I love thunder and lightning too. Soccer is a lot fun, but it can be hard on the shins. Do you wear sandles there mostly? Even playing soccer? I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself. God is good.

Marcee Miller said...

Heather, trust me...NO ONE at Artbeats likes curry. PERIOD. Once I made the mistake of making deviled eggs with curry....and I think everyone turned their nose up at them...I'll have to admit...I got a little carried away with the curry. =)

Glad to hear however that you have much better tastes than those at Artbeats!


Jenny McKay said...

Hey Heather,
Glad things are going good for you. It sounds like your have a great experience so far. As for soccer, just have fun with them and its awesome that your learning from them as they are learning from you. Your very much missed around here. Even though I didn't see you too much, but I enjoyed the candle class with you. Maybe you can show the kids how to make some candles. Well take care and I enjoy your messages.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome Heather! Funny thing is: my last memory of you and soccer was when Gen, you, and I tried to play together during lunch in junior high... hahaaa! :D

Love you girl!